La Clusaz - Manigod

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The resort is a prime destination for skiers of all abilities, from beginners to advanced skiers, with 125 km of slopes* linked by an efficient and up-to-date network of ski lifts over the 5 massifs.
5 MOUNTAINS - 5 TIMES MORE ENJOYMENT!! Beauregard and Manigod are particularly suited to families and beginner skiers. L’Etale and l’Aiguille will appeal to intermediate skiers with a love for good food and a bit of fun, and last but certainly not least the Balme is where it’s at for the experts. With an exceptional 1500m elevation difference from the summit of the Balme to the village, La Clusaz is proud to count itself among the closed circle of resorts with such an impressive elevation difference. *the kilometres are calculated according to the length of the slopes measured from the middle and include necessary turns.


Adult 4 hours: 48 € Adult day: 29.90 to 53 € Adult 2 days: 101 € Adult 3 days: 149 € Adult 4 days: 197 € Adult 5 days: 245 € Adult 6 days: 255 to 265 € Adult season: 715 to 1,024 € Child 4 hours : 38 € Child day : 29.90 to 41 € Child 2 days : 77 € Child 3 days : 113 € Child 4 days : 149 € Child 5 days : 185 € Child 6 days : 195 to 205 € Child season : 310 to 750 € Senior 4 hours: 46.50 € Senior day: 29.90 to 50.50 € Senior 2 days: 96 € Senior 3 days: 141.50 € Senior 4 days: 187 € Senior 5 days: 232.50 € Senior 6 days: 242.50 to 252.50 € Senior season: 685 to 975 €. Free entry for children < 5 years. Child entry valid for 5 - 14 years. Veteran 1/2 day: 19.20 € Veteran day: 21.50 € Veteran 2 days: 39.70 € Veteran 3 days: 57.70 € Veteran 4 days: 75 € Veteran 5 days: 91.20 € Veteran 6 days: 107.50 € Veteran season: 307.50 to 440 €. Free for children < 5 years. Child valid for 5 - 7 years. Junior valid for 8 - 14 years. Senior valid for 65 - 74 years. Veteran valid for 75 years and +.


161 place de l'église, 74220, La Clusaz
From 14/12/2024 to 27/04/2025 between 9 am and 5.30 pm. Subject to snow conditions.